In 2022 the University of Cagliari (UNICA) joined the initiative “Coalition for Advancing of Research Evaluation (CoARA)” and signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA). Thus, as signatory organization committed to the development of its action plan (AP).
The COARA action plan (AP) of the University of Cagliari was approved by the Governing Bodies last November 2024. It describes the commitments of UNICA for the alignment with the ARRA principles and their implementation in the next year framework 2024-2027; furthermore, it encompasses all the synergies with previous commitments of the Institution for the HRS4R strategy implementation to support researchers careers and attraction, also in line with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment” (DORA).
UNICA commitments are perfectly in line with the ERA policy, but also with the goals of the european project “EmpoWering EDUC for Inclusive Development of the ERA, EDUC-WIDE”, in which the University is a partner.
EDUC-WIDE is engaged in the development of a strategy to enable the reform of research assessment in EDUC Universities in compliance with the principles of CoARA; with a focus on the analysis of the specific challenges and barriers for reforming research assessment in Widening countries.
The approval of UNICA’s AP is a step forward in the implementation of CoARA, which enriches not the University itself but the entire EDUC-WIDE consortium.
UNICA Action Plan on Zenodo.