Research infrastructures (RIs) of the EDUC university alliance are open for you projects


Have you ever used research infrastructures within your research? Progress your career and skills and apply for the call to access research infrastructures of the EDUC university alliance within the EDUC-SHARE H2020 project.

Within the EDUC European University Alliance, 6 partners are working in EDUC-SHARE: Masaryk University, University of Cagliari, University of Pécs, University of Rennes, University of Potsdam, and University of Paris Nanterre. A subset of their research infrastructures now participates in an open call for access to their research infrastructures, which is funded by the EDUC-SHARE project. Through this call, you can use the participating infrastructures for free for the purpose of your research. The only thing you need to do is to submit your project, which will be evaluated and then you can simply do your experiments. Do not hesitate and have a look at the details of the call.

Infrastructures participating in the call cover different scientific disciplines:

·       Life sciences – such as light microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, single crystal X-ray diffraction, mass spectrometry, genomics of BSL4 virological laboratory

·       Health and environment – i.e. population studies and data services

·       Physical sciences – i.e. nanotechnologies and plasma surface modifications

·       Social sciences – i.e. experimental social sciences


Basic information about the call:

·       Who is eligible to apply: any researcher or Ph.D. student from the EDUC consortium partners

·       Opening: 1.3.2023

·       Closing: 30.4.2023

·       Implementation of the projects: 1.6.-30.11.2023

·       Budget dedicated for the call: 60.000 EUR

webinar about the call will be organized to explain the details of the call and answer any questions:

·       Timing: 16.3.2023, 15:00 - 16:00 CET  

·       Connection link:  

Research infrastructures participating in the call will be showcased during weekly webinars – Thursdays 15:00-16:30. Between 23.3. and 30.4 More information on dates and connection details are in the text of the call.  

More information on the EDUC-SHARE call:

EDUC-SHARE database of research infrastructures:


The project “EDUC-SHARE” received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101017526.