Landmark Success: 25 new online courses to start in 2021




After several months of preparation, EDUC just closed its first ‘Call for Projects’ leading to the creation of virtual mobility and virtual exchange courses. Virtual mobility ranges from distance resources and recorded activities such as video classes to more dynamic and interactive forms where students are ‘live’ with distant teachers. The virtual courses are as follows:


  • Web Security and Malware Analysis (BRADAWL)
  • VISAGE: Chasing VIrtual Sedimentary GEology: Discovering the sedimentary rocks world and its life 
  • Neuroscience, state of the art and future perspectives: focus on specific Neurological diseases and NeuroPSYchopharmacology (NEPSY)
  • Irony from the Perspective of Experimental Pragmatics (IPEP)
  • Online Education of the Limb Anatomy
  • Ethnicity in the Globalized World: Current Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Latin America
  • Australia in Literature and Film
  • Lecture Series on Language Integration
  • Space and place - international and interdisciplinary collaborative projects – S&P
  • E(conomics)-Tandem - ET
  • European cultures: Stereotypes, transculturality, receptions
  • LinguaSnapp: localizing an educational app for mapping old and new minority languages in the linguistic landscapes of the cities of the EDUC network - LinguaSnapp/WebEDUC
  • Geodynamics, Climate and Biodiversity - GeoClimaBio
  • Studying Borders Across Borders: Refugees in Global Historical Perspective
  • Introduction to Ancient Epigraphy (IAE)
  • Critical Literary and Cultural Analysis Online (CLCAO)
  • Neuroscience (Neuromonitoring at Neuro ICU)
  • Multilingual e-learning Ph.D. educational resource of criminal law 
  • Big data algorithm-based/automated decision-making in the public sector
  • English for Engineering, IT, and Architecture
  • British Literature and Culture
  • Serverless computing & Data Management
  • Sports Economics and Policy
  • EDUC Escape Game Challenge (EEGC)
  • Numerical Analysis with Matlab, NUMISMAT



EDUC task group launched an initial call in June 2020, simultaneous action in all six universities, with a landmark result of 135 teachers putting forward potential projects. After the second selection round, the result was 25 selected projects, already 50% of the final EDUC goal for 2022. The objective is to have 50 projects carried out and supported through EDUC and its assistance mechanisms (e-learning services for technical transformation, pedagogical engineering, language services for translation, dubbing, incentives and benefits to help teachers invest the extra time…). Stay tuned for both the opportunity to participate as a student, and for further teacher-oriented calls!