EDUC Online Staff Training Programme in 21st Century Skills by EDUC-SHARE


The EDUC Alliance proudly concludes the successful inauguration of its Staff Training Programme, focused on cultivating 21st-century soft skills. Spanning the Winter term from November 2022 to January 2023, this pioneering initiative underscores the critical importance of soft skills in contemporary professional environments.

Conceived as a vital component of the EDUC-SHARE project, this training programme comprised a series of meticulously crafted online sessions tailored for faculty and administrative staff across all member institutions of the EDUC Alliance. Guided by esteemed professors and researchers, these sessions were exclusively conducted in English, harnessing a wealth of knowledge from diverse fields within human sciences.

Participants were privileged to immerse themselves in topics such as "Embracing Cultural Diversity" and "Design Thinking through Storytelling," amongst others, reflecting the depth and breadth of the programme's offerings. Deliberations traversed a spectrum of pertinent subjects, including intercultural approaches, intra-university cooperation dynamics, and the synergistic amalgamation of historical heritage with individual memory to augment transversal skills.

Read the entire article to grasp the full picture.


The project “EDUC-SHARE” received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101017526.