Digital Book of Condolences for Dr. Katja Jung

Digital Book of Condolences for Dr. Katja Jung picture
We mourn the loss of our colleague Dr. Katja Jung, who passed away on 28 August 2024 after a short, serious illness. This news comes as a surprise to many of us, as Ms Jung helped shape and lead the EDUC Alliance until the end. We will all need time to process this loss.


The University of Potsdam, the EDUC Alliance and, of course, above all the EDUC team and the colleagues who have worked closely with Ms Jung in various contexts since 2019, are losing a great, dynamic and cheerful colleague. We will all miss her acumen, cleverness and tireless energy for Europe, students and international affairs in many ways. Katja Jung always emphasized that it was right and important to do pioneering work that made a difference.

The heartfelt sympathy of all members of the University goes out to Katja Jung's family and her friends.  Our thoughts are with them.

Letters of condolence can be sent by email to They will then be published online here. Please don't hesitate to contibute a few lines in the language you are most comfortable with.

Those who wish to sign the book of condolences in person the EDUC team of UP is bringing the book with them to the Steering Committee in Cagliari in October 2024.

Photo: Thomas Roese
Photo: Sonia Lehman-Frisch

We mourn the loss of Dr. Katja Jung:

Oliver Günther, President of the University of Potsdam: "The University of Potsdam is in deep mourning. Dr. Katja Jung worked at the university for many years and led the European University Alliance EDUC, which we coordinated, with great sensitivity, deep empathy and high efficiency. Fluent in several languages, diplomatically gifted, always friendly, but also assertive when necessary - this is how we got to know and appreciate Katja Jung as a colleague and university manager. The fact that this terrible disease has defeated her after a brave fight is a great loss, especially for her family, of course, with whom we mourn, but also for the University of Potsdam and the wider European university landscape. Her untimely death leaves us perplexed. We will honor her memory."

Alessandra Carucci, University of Cagliari, Vice Rector in charge of internationalisation: "This is the saddest news we could receive, even if I knew she was again at the hospital. She was with us from the beginning of EDUC coordinating all the activities, and giving a strong contribution for the success of the EDUC II application, but, above all, she was a friend. I cannot think to our Alliance without her, she will continue to accompany us in all our activities. Our deep condolences to the Potsdam Team and to her family."

Petter Aasen, former rector of the University of South-Eastern Norway: "It was a very, very sad message. My deepest condolences to you and the entire Potsdam team. I am so sorry for your loss. My sympathies to her family. Katja was a skilled, energetic, positive, and ambitious driving force in EDUC. I really appreciated how she welcomed us when USN joined the alliance. Encouraging, constructive and not least pleasant and enjoyable conversations both in Norway and in Potsdam. She will be deeply missed. I give my full support to your call: In memory of Katja let's keep her spirit alive in the further development of the alliance."

Marita Böhning, University of Potsdam, Senior Advisor for International Affairs / YERUN Coordinator: "I'm someone who can hold the strings together!” I remember this sentence from Katja's interview for the first project manager position at EDUC.  And that's exactly what she did and with this quality, but also with her positive energy, her immense knowledge of higher education and internationalization, she and her team have made EDUC what it is today. The last business trip to Norway was like a liberation for her after months of fear and restrictions, and I was so happy for her that she was able to go. We missed our trip to the garden together in the summer, which leaves me sad - we had both been looking forward to it. It is devastating that she has gone far too soon. My heartfelt condolences to Katja's brother and all who mourn her loss."

Saskia Asmus, Humboldt University of Berlin, International Coordinator: "Mit großer Betroffenheit habe ich vom Tod von Dr. Katja Jung erfahren und möchte Ihnen sowie der gesamten Universität Potsdam mein tief empfundenes Beileid aussprechen. Obwohl ich nicht das Vergnügen hatte, direkt mit Frau Dr. Jung zusammenzuarbeiten, durfte ich sie in einer sehr besonderen Rolle kennenlernen – als Mentorin und Unterstützerin auf meinem beruflichen Weg. Besonders in den herausfordernden Zeiten der Pandemie hat sie mir, durch zahlreiche intensive Gespräche und ihre fachliche Expertise, geholfen, neue Perspektiven zu entwickeln. Sie war eine inspirierende Persönlichkeit, deren Leidenschaft für die Internationalisierung der Hochschulen sich in jedem Gespräch widergespiegelt hat. Ihre Hilfsbereitschaft, ihre Begeisterung für ihren Beruf und ihr unermüdlicher Einsatz haben mich zutiefst beeindruckt.
Die Lücke, die ihr Verlust hinterlässt, ist unermesslich, und ich bin mir sicher, dass viele, die das Privileg hatten, mit ihr zu arbeiten oder von ihr unterstützt zu werden, ebenso fühlen.
In dieser schweren Zeit sind meine Gedanken bei Ihnen und all denjenigen, die sie gekannt und geschätzt haben.
Mit stillem Gruß
Saskia Asmus

David James Prickett, Director of the Center for Languages and Key Competences, University of Potsdam: "Mein aufrichtiges Beileid gilt der Familie und dem Freundeskreis von Katja Jung. Ihre positive Einstellung, ihre Offenheit und ihr Respekt anderen gegenüber werden mir in Erinnerung bleiben."

Christina Wolff, Leiterin Koordinationsbüro für Chancengleichheit und zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte: "Ich bin zutiefst betroffen, von dem viel zu frühen Tod von Dr. Katja Jung. Mit ihr verlieren wir eine engagierte, offene und energiegeladene Kollegin. Mein aufrichtiges Beileid für die Familie, die Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen – auch im Namen meines Tams und Kolleg*innen. Wir konnten stets respektvoll, produktiv und zielgerichtet diskutieren und gemeinsam Themen für die Uni Potsdam im europäischen hochschulpolitischen Kontext setzen, es war mir immer eine Freude im Austausch mit Katja Jung. In stiller Trauer, Christina Wolff & Team."

Dr. Regina Neum-Flux, former Head of the International Office, University of Potsdam: "Katja wird mir immer als zupackende und strategisch handelnde Kollegin in Erinnerung bleiben, die ein enormes hochschulpolitisches Wissen hatte und eine exzellente Netzwerkerin war. Ihre Fröhlichkeit, ihre Offenheit, ihr Ideenreichtum und ihre präzisen Situationsbeschreibungen aber auch ihr konsequenter Wille zur Problemlösung machten die Zusammenarbeit mit Katja zu einer enorm inspirierenden Erfahrung. Ihre Krankheit ließ es nicht zu, dass sie zu meiner Verabschiedung aus dem Dienst kam. Ein Treffen wollten wir unbedingt nachholen und können es nun doch nicht mehr tun. Ich bin unendlich traurig. Meine Gedanken sind bei all denen, die sie kannten und die um sie trauern, besonders natürlich bei ihrer Familie."

Prof. Dr. Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Professor of Ancient History at the Institute of History at the University of Potsdam: "In den letzten Jahren haben wir intensiv an unterschiedlichen EDUC-Projekten zusammengearbeitet. Ihr Engagement, ihre Professionalität, sowie die sehr gute Laune, die sie immer ausstrahlen konnte, gehören zu den Hauptgründen des Erfolgs von EDUC. Wir werden sie alle enorm vermissen. Mit dem herzlichsten Beileid an die Familie.“

Olga Wessels, Head of ECIU Brussels’ Office: "Also from Brussels, I want to send my deepest condolences to the EDUC colleagues and the family and friends of Katja. We are all in a complete shock that Katja passed away. It feels very sudden, as she was fully engaged until the very end. I remember her as a committed, enthusiastic, constructive and supportive colleague. She was key in developing our informal network of European University alliances, not afraid to raise her voice, identify opportunities and threats, and discussing those in an open way. In the past five years that we were working together, I received many kind e-mails from Katja, sharing her thoughts and thinking along, analysing developments and suggesting solutions. And I will never forget how she gave a spontaneous and emotional speech on 8 February 2024 at a Coordinators Meeting in Brussels. Starting with “although I am German, I want to underline that our initiatives go beyond being merely projects” and she spoke about our common dreams, and the huge European University Alliances we’re building together. Not just ‘another’ project, but changing Europe’s higher education landscape for good, and for the benefit of our students and staff. It’s so much more than a project. Let’s continue realising our European ambitions in the innovative spirit of Katja.
Thank you, Katja, for being part of our European community!

Emily Palmer, Secretary- General of Una Europa: "The Forum of European Universities alliances will greatly miss the contributions and enthusiasm of Katja in taking the initiative forward. As Secretary-General of a sister alliance, I always appreciated the honest and positive spirit that Katja brought in exchange on common ambition and challenges. As we all in this international work environment face so many demands, may Katja’s passing help us to us focus on what’s really important in life. My deepest condolences go out to Katja’s loved ones and her close colleagues."

Isabella Baer-Eiselt, Executive Director of EU-CONEXUS - La Rochelle Université: "It comes as a shock to learn that Katja Jung has passed away. I still remember the last time when I saw her in February 2024 during the Coordinators meeting in Brussels where she was so passionate in expressing her enthusiasm for the European Universities Initiative prospects discussed at that meeting. She will remain in my memory as a exceptionally shining, positive, and constructive person - with a lot of heart and mind."