From To Categories StudentTeacherPartnersResearchersStaff Tags #Actual#CFP#COMMUNICATION#COMMUNITY BUILDING#Conference#Digitalisation#EAIE#EAIE#EDUC-SHARE#EDUC-WIDE#EDUCARDS#EDUCast#EDUCCourseCatalogue#EDUCSummerSchool#EURIE#EUROPEAN COMMISSION#EUROPEAN EXCELLENCE INITIATIVE#EuropeanUnion#EXHIBITION#FOREU#GAP YEAR#Innovation#INTERNSHIP#Jaume I#LANGUAGE COURSES#MasarykUniversity#Mobility#ONLINE COURSE#ONLINE EVENT#Partners#PotsdamUniversity#RennesUniversity#RESEARCH#RESEARCH AREAS#RESEARCH SEMINAR#Researchers#Scholarship#SIMP#SOCIAL NETWORK#Staff#STAFF TRAINING#STATEMENT#Statement#STUDENT BOARD#STUDENT INVOLVEMENT#Students#SUPPORT#TEA SESSION#Teachers#UKRAINE#UnivCa#UniversityofPécs#UParisNanterre#USN#WELCOME#Workshop#YIL#YouthIntegrationLabCore FacilityGender EqualityInfrastructuresInnovationInternational RelationsInternational Student RecruitmentInternshipIntershipManagementResearchresearch infrastructureStaff WeekSustainability Reset Filter « Previous Next » Showing 1 to 12 of 195 results ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 16 17 › 20/03/2025 #RESEARCH Meet the Researcher: Professor Jörn Klein and researcher Ms. Szava Julia Bansaghi Their world just got bigger 14/03/2025 Promoting the European vision "The complementarity and diversity that we have in EDUC are part of the future", EDUC coordinator, Britta van Kempen said opening the Steering Committee Meeting in Castellon, Spain, March 2025. 17/02/2025 Overview of upcoming Staff Weeks organized by our partner universities EDUC organizes thematic staff weeks aimed at different groups of academic and non-academic staff across ouruniversities 27/01/2025 Students as Co-Creators: Updates from the EDUC Think Lab The EDUC Think Lab is a new programme that puts students at the heart of shaping the EDUC Virtual Campus 15/01/2025 #EDUCSummerSchool EDUC scholarships for Summer Courses and Summer Schools Take advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge in various fields while connecting with students from all over the world 15/01/2025 #MasarykUniversity Enhancing Professional Engagement: Upcoming PhD & Postdoc Retreats in the EDUC Alliance The EDUC Alliance is excited to announce a series of PhD and postdoc retreats, designed to foster professional engagement and networking among young researchers 13/01/2025 Accelerating and Enhancing Green Transition The project’s aim is the development of a joint action plan and a best practice repository in order to become a catalyst for the transition. 13/01/2025 #RESEARCH #EDUC-WIDE The University of Cagliari Approved its COARA Action Plan A Major Step Toward Research Assessment Reform in the EDUC Alliance 06/12/2024 #EDUC-WIDE EDUC-WIDE Workshop: Open Science in Focus Held at the PTE University Library and Knowledge Centre, the event aimed to empower academics and research professionals to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of open science. 28/11/2024 #EDUC-WIDE Advancing Research Assessment with CoARA In our pursuit of enhancing research quality and impact, the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment plays a vital role 28/11/2024 #EDUC-WIDE Fostering Collaboration in EDUC-WIDE: A Look into OpenUP’s Vision and Impact We explore the strides being made in research, innovation, and collaboration across our partner universities 21/11/2024 #YIL Good Practices for Students with Disabilities In April, the inaugural Youth Integration Lab programme of EDUC was held at Paris Nanterre University, focusing on improving the lives of students with disabilities. « Previous Next » Showing 1 to 12 of 195 results ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 16 17 ›